Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Self Reflection

This blog process has been a new one for me. I'm not a blogger by nature. I'm not a person to share my thoughts, my research on my interests let alone update them on a public display where people can put their input. It was a strange concept for me. It has also been a difficult but refreshing process for me.

First off choosing a topic was not the fun situation, but in the end I settled for alternative energy as the best of the worst in my case. Research was long and tedius but I learned way more than I expected. I never knew how much of a need there was for people to invest in alternative energy. I never realized the extint that the world, not just the United States, depended on oil. It was amazing to me. I also was excited by the advancements I found in the technologies of alternative energy. My favorite gadgets were the maglite which is powered by solar energy and the hymni which is wind powered. They're sleek little machines that power tools we use in our everyday lives but don't rely on oil as an original source.

This blog project also has increased me as a thinker. I can't say that I'm a completely unbiased person, but I've been forced to think that way in this project. I also can't say that I was a great success at it, but I put some effort into it. I've had to be able to dig deep into my thoughts to connect my information to the big picture and not to just be focused on my issue but to tie it into many other issues surrounding it. I believe I've grown as thinker but also I've become more informed as a citizen about the issues that are effects this country and I'm glad about it.

Relief at the Pump

Take a sigh of relief. Gas prices are no longer buzzing around $4.50. All around the nation gas prices have dropped. This is mainly due to the lower prices of oil. This in turn is because oil is such a demand that prices have gone down to meet the needs of the people who need it. As of now the almost entire nation has gas prices lower than $2.80 per gallon. Take a look at this map of the "national gas temperature."

Get Like Them....

These are blogs written by some close associates to me. They are quite informational and interesting and I advise you make a journey to visit them.

Debt in our Nation: Debt in our System/
This blog focuses on the national debt and all the issues that come along with it. This blog does an excellent job at showing all sides of the national debt. For example, the bailout plan, and how national debt is affecting education.

Department of Energy
This blog deals with similar topics as mine. He goes into depth about the issues surrounding alternative energy, and he also discusses how other sources such as solar and wind are being used.

Living Elsewhere
This blog focuses on informing about the mortgage problem that caused the government to come up with the bail out plan. She explains the actual causes that made people go buy all these mortgages they couldn't afford in the end. She also gives tips for avoiding crisis if you have a mortgage.

You Want More Sources.....I Got You

Wind energy as an alternative source

The BP oil company is investing money into using alternative sources to clean up oil

Information on solar panels and their uses as an alternative energy source

Nuclear energy may be the best new way to create electricity for our energy needs besides oil

The American solar energy society is a non-profit organization dedicated to increasing the use of solar energy

Information on biofuels

There is a fungus that natural produces biofuel

The department of energy and all that it entails with information on all different energy sources

Gadgets created by using alternative energy sources

This site is about the geothermal energy association that is dedicated to giving information on geothermal energy and increasing its use as an alternative source

Putting Solar Energy to Use

The maglite is a small flash light about 5 inches in length. It is powered by solar energy. I'm excited about advancements with solar energy

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