Monday, October 20, 2008


I know that this has nothing to do with energy but I felt this was an important newsflash. Colin Powell, former Republican Secretary of State, announced his support for Barack Obama in the presidential elections. It is said to be an extreme blow to McCain. Powell called Obama a "transformational figure" who could be an "exceptional president."


john said...

wow, really. Funny how the republicans say it was always coming and that it is not a major endorsement. I wonder how many other republicans Powell will influence. I still have respect for him despite what the republicans say. I must note, I heard him say on how the McCain campaign is always accusing Obama of being a Muslim.Well he said Obama is a christian and went on to state that there is nothing wrong with being a Muslim even if Obama was one, which I totally agree with.

Yasmine said...

I've read that this will help Obama greatly in fighting off the claims that he is 'inexperienced' in foreign affairs.

I'm personally very excited that Colin Powell has decided to step up and support Obama; Obama is no doubt accruing an impressive list of supporters, like the Kennedys!

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