Monday, October 20, 2008

The Poll

So with the results of my poll, even though only four people voted and I thank you, solar energy wins out for the most popular form of alternative energy to oil. Solar energy really is an exceptional alternative. Expense yes, but if the technology is pursued we wouldn't have to worry about running out of sun. Oil has a definate amount, but the sun provide energy that lasts. Yes it can be argued that the sun has a definate amount of energy, but by the time the sun burns out into a white dwarf the human race may be nonexistant. Until that time I believe we should endeavour towards solar technologies. Wind, nuclear, and hydrogen were also choices. All of which are good alternative. Hydrgen is actually the best out of the four because its consumption produces no greenhouse gases. Nuclear energy is a good source but it takes a lot of work to stay maintained. Wind, however abundant, isn't too reliable.


laurel said...

I think the best option would be a mixture of three or four. In all cases possible I think wind and solar should be used. Wind has always been my favorite. Besides its inconsistency there is really no environmental effects besides what comes from building the wind mills. The land they are on can be used for other purposes so it doesn't take up much space and visually I find them very pleasing. Some say the noise would be bothersome but I think they need to suck it up for the benefit of the earth. I think hydrogen is a good choice but even though it doesn't contribute to greenhouse gases it has different environmental effects. You have to damn rivers which can cause many problems, the Colorado River is a perfect example of that. I know that nuclear has done really well for France and other countries but I would still like to use that as a backup to other energy sources.

laurel said...

By the way, I am sorry I didn't vote. I wish I had come to your sight sooner so I could have.

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