So history was......oh excuse me......ourstory was made yesterday at 10:58pm eastern time. California closed its polls and counted the ballots and awarded senator Barack Obama 55 electoral votes. He is now the first black president of the United States. It's an amazing thing to think about. Throughout this campaign he and McCain fought well. They both equally gave it their all and even thought McCain fell short, he should have some pride in the fact that he made it so far. I am exstatic about Obama however. Forgive me for being biased, but it's not everyday that one gets to witness something so historically great. This is an event that will go into history text books and I'm proud to say that I VOTED and I contributed to making a difference in a country where change was desperately needed. Obama received 338 electoral votes not including North Carolina, Indiana and Missouri whose counts were too close to be added in. That's amazing. I'm very excited that this is how this project came to an end and I'm looking forward to all that is in store for our.....excuse me again....My country in preceding years.
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