Monday, October 27, 2008

In Theory....

So the nation is overly dependent on foreign oil. Oil reserves are becoming depleted and now we need to diligently focus on renewable energy resources such as solar and wind power. This all true but oil reserve themselve may run out in a minimum of 40 years. That's just at the minimum. We have the technologies to find and drill for oil in very deep waters now, and on this vast earth there are pleny of place that probably house undiscovered oil. Currently the carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere is 384 ppm, which is extremely high and I believe if we don't do something about it that point of no returen(450 ppm) will get here sooner than we think. Most likely before oil actually becomes depleted. We do need to focus on alternative energy sources but that's only because oil prices were so high. As of recently the price on the barrel of oil has gone down along with gas prices and no one is worring about alternative energy anymore. That's how it goes. We only worry about change when what we're used to is going wrong, therefore as much as we need to worry about alternative energy it wont be a major issue until oil really becomes depleted and that may not be until after we've reached that point of no return.

California's New Policy

California has a new law in progress known as AB 32. It's been put in place so that the state's emission of greenhouse gases go back to the level defined in 1990 by the 2020 deadline. Study's say that this process will make California give more interest in energy efficiency and renewable sources. It is said the the law will create a minimum of 60,000 new jobs without including innovations that lead to more jobs. Therefore, the law could create a total of 403,000 jobs by its deadline. Something like this gives a ray of hope in an era of crisis. With the economy spiraling like it is, and the realization that many people can be without a job in the near future this new policy shows that some of the country still has a head on its shoulders.

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