Sunday, October 5, 2008

The Greenhouse Effect

The greenhouse effect is a natural occurance on the earth. It's where the radiation given off by the sun is reflected off of the earth's surface and transformed into heat to naturally heat the planet. Most of this heat, also known as infra-red radiation, is passed back into space, but with increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases extreme negative affects on the earth climate and enviornment are beginning to take place. The main greenhouse gases (gases that absorb and keep heat with the earth's atmosphere) are Carbon dioxide, methane gas, nitrous oxide and chloroflorocarbons also knon as CFCs.

The rise in temperature due to global warming because of the increased deflection of infra-red radiation by greenhouse gases in the atomosphere is making alternative energy policies become a necessary thought. Instead of relying on fossil fuels, and coal burning; two of our most abundant sources of energy that also lead to massive releases of carbon dioxide into the atomosphere; we need to look toward sources that are inexhaustable such as solar, wind, and hydroelectric possibilites. It is said that solar energy could meet 50% of the nations energy needs by 2050.Wind is also an excellent source for energy. These alternatives need funding, unfortunately with the nations $10 trillion debt and the new pass of the $700 billion buy out of bad debt, projects and investments into these alternatives have been pushed to the side by the presidential candidates. The focus now is getting the nation to become independent of forgein oil.


Volt-Air said...

While I am a firm believer in sustainable and environmentally friendly energy, getting the nation free of foreign oil is a more important topic now. Once our economy isn’t tied to a location thousands of miles away it should be easier to make more substantial changes. Besides, if you think the pollution caused by fossil fuels is bad look into what it takes to make and transport a battery suitable for an automobile. Without these same batteries we won’t be able to use modern transport mediums using solar, wind, or other electrically defined energies.

GinY said...

We should invest more money in develop environmental friendly energy in order to be independent from foreign oil. However, to take consuming US own oil source as the main method to gain independence on energy doesn't sounds very wise to me.

Carter Wright said...

volt-air I completely understand that oil is a very important topic, but it shouldn't be the only topic we're focusing on in this energy crisis. I also know that it wasteful to make and transport matterials suitable to sustain alternative energies, but we have to make a jump and start with them somewhere.

ennaeiram said...

Truthfully, 2050 is not a long time from now. We will all probably be 60-years-old, which is not old! I think that even though getting the nation free from foreign oil is extremely important right now, we need to look at our environment and the energy we are using and all our actions will affect our grandchildren and even children. Being able to rely on solar energy for 50% of our solar energy needs by 2050 is amazing. We have to remember that everything that we are worrying about now, the national debt, etc, will not matter if we do not have a safe, healthy environment to live in.

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