So history was......oh excuse me......ourstory was made yesterday at 10:58pm eastern time. California closed its polls and counted the ballots and awarded senator Barack Obama 55 electoral votes. He is now the first black president of the United States. It's an amazing thing to think about. Throughout this campaign he and McCain fought well. They both equally gave it their all and even thought McCain fell short, he should have some pride in the fact that he made it so far. I am exstatic about Obama however. Forgive me for being biased, but it's not everyday that one gets to witness something so historically great. This is an event that will go into history text books and I'm proud to say that I VOTED and I contributed to making a difference in a country where change was desperately needed. Obama received 338 electoral votes not including North Carolina, Indiana and Missouri whose counts were too close to be added in. That's amazing. I'm very excited that this is how this project came to an end and I'm looking forward to all that is in store for our.....excuse me again....My country in preceding years.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
This Isn't History...It's OURstory
Posted by Carter Wright at 8:11 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Self Reflection
This blog process has been a new one for me. I'm not a blogger by nature. I'm not a person to share my thoughts, my research on my interests let alone update them on a public display where people can put their input. It was a strange concept for me. It has also been a difficult but refreshing process for me.
First off choosing a topic was not the fun situation, but in the end I settled for alternative energy as the best of the worst in my case. Research was long and tedius but I learned way more than I expected. I never knew how much of a need there was for people to invest in alternative energy. I never realized the extint that the world, not just the United States, depended on oil. It was amazing to me. I also was excited by the advancements I found in the technologies of alternative energy. My favorite gadgets were the maglite which is powered by solar energy and the hymni which is wind powered. They're sleek little machines that power tools we use in our everyday lives but don't rely on oil as an original source.
This blog project also has increased me as a thinker. I can't say that I'm a completely unbiased person, but I've been forced to think that way in this project. I also can't say that I was a great success at it, but I put some effort into it. I've had to be able to dig deep into my thoughts to connect my information to the big picture and not to just be focused on my issue but to tie it into many other issues surrounding it. I believe I've grown as thinker but also I've become more informed as a citizen about the issues that are effects this country and I'm glad about it.
Posted by Carter Wright at 3:45 PM 2 comments
Relief at the Pump
Take a sigh of relief. Gas prices are no longer buzzing around $4.50. All around the nation gas prices have dropped. This is mainly due to the lower prices of oil. This in turn is because oil is such a demand that prices have gone down to meet the needs of the people who need it. As of now the almost entire nation has gas prices lower than $2.80 per gallon. Take a look at this map of the "national gas temperature."
Posted by Carter Wright at 3:24 PM 3 comments
Get Like Them....
These are blogs written by some close associates to me. They are quite informational and interesting and I advise you make a journey to visit them.
Debt in our Nation: Debt in our System/
This blog focuses on the national debt and all the issues that come along with it. This blog does an excellent job at showing all sides of the national debt. For example, the bailout plan, and how national debt is affecting education.
Department of Energy
This blog deals with similar topics as mine. He goes into depth about the issues surrounding alternative energy, and he also discusses how other sources such as solar and wind are being used.
Living Elsewhere
This blog focuses on informing about the mortgage problem that caused the government to come up with the bail out plan. She explains the actual causes that made people go buy all these mortgages they couldn't afford in the end. She also gives tips for avoiding crisis if you have a mortgage.
Posted by Carter Wright at 11:55 AM 0 comments
You Want More Sources.....I Got You
Wind energy as an alternative source
The BP oil company is investing money into using alternative sources to clean up oil
Information on solar panels and their uses as an alternative energy source
Nuclear energy may be the best new way to create electricity for our energy needs besides oil
The American solar energy society is a non-profit organization dedicated to increasing the use of solar energy
Information on biofuels
There is a fungus that natural produces biofuel
The department of energy and all that it entails with information on all different energy sources
Gadgets created by using alternative energy sources
This site is about the geothermal energy association that is dedicated to giving information on geothermal energy and increasing its use as an alternative source
Posted by Carter Wright at 11:50 AM 0 comments
Putting Solar Energy to Use
Posted by Carter Wright at 11:44 AM 2 comments
Monday, November 3, 2008
If we don't make a change

Posted by Carter Wright at 9:30 PM 2 comments
Monday, October 27, 2008
In Theory....
So the nation is overly dependent on foreign oil. Oil reserves are becoming depleted and now we need to diligently focus on renewable energy resources such as solar and wind power. This all true but oil reserve themselve may run out in a minimum of 40 years. That's just at the minimum. We have the technologies to find and drill for oil in very deep waters now, and on this vast earth there are pleny of place that probably house undiscovered oil. Currently the carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere is 384 ppm, which is extremely high and I believe if we don't do something about it that point of no returen(450 ppm) will get here sooner than we think. Most likely before oil actually becomes depleted. We do need to focus on alternative energy sources but that's only because oil prices were so high. As of recently the price on the barrel of oil has gone down along with gas prices and no one is worring about alternative energy anymore. That's how it goes. We only worry about change when what we're used to is going wrong, therefore as much as we need to worry about alternative energy it wont be a major issue until oil really becomes depleted and that may not be until after we've reached that point of no return.
Posted by Carter Wright at 8:58 PM 1 comments
California's New Policy
California has a new law in progress known as AB 32. It's been put in place so that the state's emission of greenhouse gases go back to the level defined in 1990 by the 2020 deadline. Study's say that this process will make California give more interest in energy efficiency and renewable sources. It is said the the law will create a minimum of 60,000 new jobs without including innovations that lead to more jobs. Therefore, the law could create a total of 403,000 jobs by its deadline. Something like this gives a ray of hope in an era of crisis. With the economy spiraling like it is, and the realization that many people can be without a job in the near future this new policy shows that some of the country still has a head on its shoulders.
Posted by Carter Wright at 6:26 PM 4 comments
Monday, October 20, 2008
I know that this has nothing to do with energy but I felt this was an important newsflash. Colin Powell, former Republican Secretary of State, announced his support for Barack Obama in the presidential elections. It is said to be an extreme blow to McCain. Powell called Obama a "transformational figure" who could be an "exceptional president."
Posted by Carter Wright at 3:19 AM 2 comments
The Poll
So with the results of my poll, even though only four people voted and I thank you, solar energy wins out for the most popular form of alternative energy to oil. Solar energy really is an exceptional alternative. Expense yes, but if the technology is pursued we wouldn't have to worry about running out of sun. Oil has a definate amount, but the sun provide energy that lasts. Yes it can be argued that the sun has a definate amount of energy, but by the time the sun burns out into a white dwarf the human race may be nonexistant. Until that time I believe we should endeavour towards solar technologies. Wind, nuclear, and hydrogen were also choices. All of which are good alternative. Hydrgen is actually the best out of the four because its consumption produces no greenhouse gases. Nuclear energy is a good source but it takes a lot of work to stay maintained. Wind, however abundant, isn't too reliable.
Posted by Carter Wright at 3:18 AM 2 comments
News In Energy
California has a new energy policy that will create jobs. More to come later...
Posted by Carter Wright at 3:18 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Nationalizing the Banks
Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson has aided in the start of banks nationalizing. The money from the bailout has been put into the banks. The world is in an uproar. Conservatives are upset about it, but the liberals are all for it. as Tyler Cowen said, a blogger from Brad deLong's website, "I am not stunned, I want to sing."
This plan does not take the place of the $700 billion bail-out, but just takes $250 billion of it and gave it to the banks. On the up and up, it's a good thing. Stocks went up 11%. It has helped eastern countries also. Japan's economy is going up, its stocks are up 2%. Nine european banks are putting money into the US banks to help. This decision may not be supported by the conservatives but it has to be a good idea or else the US wouldn’t have been forced into doing it.
Posted by Carter Wright at 9:03 AM 2 comments
Monday, October 13, 2008
The True Effect Is....
Oil is reaching a new financial low, the economy is on the brink of collapse, we’ll have a new president in about a month and global warming still seems to be on the rise. We need to break the nation’s dependence on foreign oil, and move towards alternate resources that will help aid in our energy demands and help the environment at the same time. The best action would be to completely use renewable resources that are plentiful and don’t emit greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. A renewable source is one that is replenished by natural processes at a rate comparable to or faster than the rate of consumption.
The main form of energy we use is electricity but this is generated from myriad of sources. Electricity is used from powering our wristwatches, to powering the lights in the great skyscrapers we work in, to making the clothes we wear, and to transporting those clothes to stores for us to buy them. We spend about $500 billion a year on electricity. The goal is to make the use of fossil fuels cleaner all the while aiming towards the use of sustainable renewable sources such as fusion and hydrogen. As I previously stated, funds to pay for this technology has slowed due to national debt and the bailout plan. And so unfortunately, what we mainly chose to work with, in our modern times, are the fossil fuels coal and oil.
Oil supplies 40% or our energy demands in the United States. It is found in 99% or the gas in our cars and trucks, which is a definite correlation to the high gas prices. The office of fossil energy has two issues to deal with concerning oil.
1.) Quick response to supply disruptions
2.) Keeping oil fields producing
The Strategic petroleum reserve was established to aide in this process after the oil embargo of 1973. It is considered the largest stock pile of government owned oil. The US is completely too dependent on foreign oil. In July of 2008 the top six countries we imported oil from were Canada, Saudi Arabia, Mexico, Venezuela, Nigeria, and Iraq. And in March of 2006 the US only produced 155,000 barrels of oil compared to the 1.96 million barrels we imported from Canada. The main problem now is the fear that we have reached the peak in petroleum production already. There has to be other sources besides oil.
A major investment would be in solar energy. It’s very important towards reducing greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Some technologies used with solar energy would be photolvoltaitic cells which can convert solar energy directly into electricity. Concentrated solar power technologies are used to concentrate sunlight to run generators to create electricity. Also low temperature solar collectors can be used. These absorb heat energy and are used for heating water or rooms of houses and office buildings. Another major investment would be in hydrogen. It’s a clean energy carrier that can be produced naturally or commercially. It’s important seeing as it can be used to simultaneously reduce dependence on foreign oil and reduce greenhouse emissions. This would be crucial in the automotive business for manufacturing vehicles that don’t emit extra carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. The downside is that the machinery needed to build fuel cells and make these hydrogen refueling stations that would be needed with the new cars would be extremely expensive. The positive to that is that building factories to manufacture these technologies would create jobs and impact the nation’s economy in a good way.
McCain’s plan for energy is called the Lexington Project. In it he talks about the clean car challenge which gives a $5,000 tax credit to persons who own cars that give off zero carbon emission, $300 million to the development of hybrid and full electric cars, and he supports flex-fuel cars. He wants to enforce CAFE standards where all carmakers must produce fuel efficient cars. And finally he want to give $2 billion to clean car technology, and by 2030 have 45 new nuclear plants up and running as an alternative to oil. Obama’s plan isn’t as clear cut as McCain’s but he is also looking for an alternative to oil. He wants 10% of electricity to come from renewable sources by 2012, and 25% by 2025. I’m more in favor of McCain’s plan for alternative sources due to the amount of information is available for it. I’m sure Obama’s plan is just as in depth as McCain’s but I couldn’t find enough for him to get my support in this arena.
The need to find alternative sources to oil in the grand scope of things is because it will directly affect the atmosphere, the environment and our way of living. We know that global warming is caused by the increased concentrations of greenhouse gases in the air, but things are pretty bad. The most that scientists feel can be kept in the air is about 385 parts per million (ppm) of these gases. They say that 450ppm or more equates to unrecoverable disaster. It has been calculated that between July 2007 and June 2008, carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is at 383.9ppm. We are getting extremely close to capacity and the more we continue to burn oil the closer we are getting to irreversible disaster on a global scale.
Posted by Carter Wright at 8:19 PM 2 comments
Sunday, October 5, 2008
The Greenhouse Effect
The greenhouse effect is a natural occurance on the earth. It's where the radiation given off by the sun is reflected off of the earth's surface and transformed into heat to naturally heat the planet. Most of this heat, also known as infra-red radiation, is passed back into space, but with increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases extreme negative affects on the earth climate and enviornment are beginning to take place. The main greenhouse gases (gases that absorb and keep heat with the earth's atmosphere) are Carbon dioxide, methane gas, nitrous oxide and chloroflorocarbons also knon as CFCs.
The rise in temperature due to global warming because of the increased deflection of infra-red radiation by greenhouse gases in the atomosphere is making alternative energy policies become a necessary thought. Instead of relying on fossil fuels, and coal burning; two of our most abundant sources of energy that also lead to massive releases of carbon dioxide into the atomosphere; we need to look toward sources that are inexhaustable such as solar, wind, and hydroelectric possibilites. It is said that solar energy could meet 50% of the nations energy needs by 2050.Wind is also an excellent source for energy. These alternatives need funding, unfortunately with the nations $10 trillion debt and the new pass of the $700 billion buy out of bad debt, projects and investments into these alternatives have been pushed to the side by the presidential candidates. The focus now is getting the nation to become independent of forgein oil.
Posted by Carter Wright at 6:04 PM 4 comments
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Dependant Much....
- oil
- propane
- gasoline
- electricity
- natural gas
- nuclear power
- coal
- oil
I plan to bring awareness to the issue of energy and the road to clean energy options and renewable sources.
Posted by Carter Wright at 10:55 PM 1 comments